Tennis Equipment
Here are Todd's opinions on equipment. Before you get started, here are a few things to know. This is written from a perspective of keeping costs down in order to get more players involved. Tennis has a reputation of being a super-expensive/rich person sport. That may have been true 30 years ago, but our multi-sport athletes spend way less on tennis than their other sports.
For all tennis-related shopping (except for inexpensive equipment to get started), I highly recommend Player's Racquet Shop (8622 SW Hall Blvd). They are the only specialty tennis shop in Portland and have way better selection and expertise than a multi-sport store like Dick's.
If you are a Sherwood player (or coach from another team) with a player in need of equipment but struggling to pay for it, let Todd know in person or through the Contact page. I have easy ways to get messages out to hundreds of players in Portland who have no idea what to do with their lightly used equipment that they've replaced.